Single sign-on should be a valuable addition to every district’s technology offerings. Gaining access to instructional resources without spending time logging-in is vital when incorporating a wide range of digital content into curricular workflow.
Using Single Sign-On to eliminate login frustration is among the fastest growing trends in education technology today. This impacts curriculum and technology leaders alike as they seek ways to improve access for all. Join District Director of Technology Integrations, Chris Nilsson, as he shares leadership insights.
Copenhagen teachers and students enjoy fast, secure, and equitable technology access for all on the devices they prefer. With Chromebooks, iPads, and BYOD technologies all in play, the district had to find a way to make everything work, for every teacher and student, on any device.
Learn about the all new MyFiles from ClassLink, your award-winning platform for accessing, managing, and sharing files across any device or network. This webinar will walk you through the new and improved design as well as enhancements to editing, file sharing, and new suite of tools designed to make life easier for everyone.