Tune in to LinkedUp: Breaking Boundaries in Education to hear from Jerri Kemble and Jamie Saponaro as they seek global perspectives on educational topics that matter. With so many people to hear from and so many lessons to learn - they are gaining insights from education leaders worldwide. Powered by ClassLink, they are linking up the movers and shakers who make it happen!
Watch the episodes below and make sure to subscribe to the series on your preferred channel.
What do you do when you can’t trust your inner voice? First diagnosed with depression and anxiety at age 23, Christine Ravesi-Weinstein is no stranger to fighting with her inner voice. In this episode, she shares the deeply personal and powerful story of her battle with depression and anxiety and her journey to mental wellness.
Julian Gomez has been one of the lead creators of Digital Lego. In this podcast episode, he discusses the learning science behind legos and the details that went into creating the digital version of the classic brick lego product.
Have you been the recipient of a TLDR email (Too Long, Didn't Read)? In Episode 70 of the LinkedUp podcast, Harvard professor, behavioral scientist and lead researcher for Everyday Labs, Todd Rogers, shares research findings from his work as a behavioral scientist, and practical tips to communicate effectively.
English is considered one of the most difficult languages to learn to read—that’s where Narda Pitkethly comes in. Join Jamie and Jerri as they sit down with Narda Pitkethly, the creator of The Nardagani® Reading Program, a breakthrough method that allows parents to teach their children to read in as little as one month.
After a long period of isolation, schools are finally open for in-person learning but the transition back to the classroom hasn’t been as easy as anticipated. In fact, educators are saying the 2021-2022 school year is the toughest one yet. In this podcast, we explore the unique challenges of post-pandemic education.