Tune in to LinkedUp: Breaking Boundaries in Education to hear from Jerri Kemble and Jamie Saponaro as they seek global perspectives on educational topics that matter. With so many people to hear from and so many lessons to learn - they are gaining insights from education leaders worldwide. Powered by ClassLink, they are linking up the movers and shakers who make it happen!
Watch the episodes below and make sure to subscribe to the series on your preferred channel.
In this episode, Jerri and Jamie sit down with Ronald Reed (Founder of SXSW EDU) and Greg Rosenbaum to discuss the latest trends at SXSW EDU 2023. From personalized learning to technology integration, we dig into innovative approaches to transforming our teaching and learning.
L. K. Monroe joins the podcast to discuss Superwomanhood: the myth, the maxi, and the moxie. Sharing with Jerri and Jamie what it’s like to be a woman in leadership, L. K. opens up about the responsibility, vulnerability, and resiliency it takes to lead.
LinkedUp loves learning—and Jamie and Jerri have learned a lot from the guests in the first 100 episodes of the podcast. Celebrate the 100th episode of LinkedUp with a look back at our favorite highlights from our first 100 guests.
Technology leader, author, and educator Michael Cohen—better known as the Tech Rabbi—joins the podcast this week to discuss accelerating student learning by activating the five senses and how to make learning memorable through creative design thinking and instructional design.
Jerri and Jamie sit down with Evo Hannan, founder of education company Innovation X, to discuss his journey from teaching design in the classroom to founding his own company. Tune in to learn how Evo is highlighting educators and topics related to teaching and learning in the UK