Tune in to LinkedUp: Breaking Boundaries in Education to hear from Jerri Kemble and Jamie Saponaro as they seek global perspectives on educational topics that matter. With so many people to hear from and so many lessons to learn - they are gaining insights from education leaders worldwide. Powered by ClassLink, they are linking up the movers and shakers who make it happen!
Watch the episodes below and make sure to subscribe to the series on your preferred channel.
On this episode, two higher education administrators, Dr. Cameron McCoy, Provost at Shenandiah University in Winchester Virginia, and Dr. Michael Salvatore, Senior Vice-President at Kean University in Union New Jersey discuss the changing landscape in higher education. Dr. McCoy and Dr. Salvatore weigh in on innovations to retain students and discuss how higher education has pivoted to meet the needs of today's learners by moving away from the "Industrial Education Model" of education.
Join us for Episode 46, as Diane Doerch, Verizon Innovative Learning Schools Director of Technology, and DeWayne McClary, the Executive Director of the League of Digital Schools, share the goals and actions being taken by The Digital Promise League of Innovative Schools to bridge the digital divide.
On this episode of the LinkedUp podcast, we have Debbie Tannnbaum, a Tech Coach and an ambassador for edtech companies. She has become so involved in making sure our youngest students can use technology effectively that she has written a book to empower and inspire educators to use technology as a learning tool. Her book, TRANSFORM: Techy Notes to Make Learning Sticky, is now available on Amazon and TannenbaumTech.
Schools and districts have worked for years to find ways to engage with parents in a meaningful and relevant way. Join us for Episode 44 as we chat with Laura Gilchrist about new and innovative forms of parent communication that can change the educational landscape.