Tune in to LinkedUp: Breaking Boundaries in Education to hear from Jerri Kemble and Jamie Saponaro as they seek global perspectives on educational topics that matter. With so many people to hear from and so many lessons to learn - they are gaining insights from education leaders worldwide. Powered by ClassLink, they are linking up the movers and shakers who make it happen!
Watch the episodes below and make sure to subscribe to the series on your preferred channel.
In this insightful episode, Digital Sociologist, Dr. Julie Albright discusses the unseen opportunities in digital infrastructure. She expands upon how our educational system plays a role in empowering young people and the rapid innovations in education technology.
In this episode, Paula Henderson, Matt Lara, Folake Oshodi, and Rueben Lara join the LinkedUp Podcast to chat about the roles that extended family members are taking in this new instructional landscape. You will hear from parents, grandparents, and experts in the field to learn about their successes, challenges, and tips for remote learning.
In this episode, Gretchen Thompson, the Regional VP of Sales for Gaggle, speaks upon both the upsides and downsides of students spending more of their educational time online. She provides tips to help parents keep their children safe during remote learning and emphasizes the importance of student data privacy.
In this episode, Ken Shelton discusses systemic racism and the tough questions educators should ask in order to make policy decisions that will disrupt racism in our schools. From standardized tests, to discipline, to the curriculum - Ken explores these issues through a thoughtful discussion.
Long Branch School District in New Jersey has been preparing for two years to support staff and students in times of crisis. When the COVID pandemic arrived, they were trained and ready to support staff and students. Listen in to hear how Nikkia Blair, school social worker and professional life coach, led 'Wellness Circles' to provide a safe place for staff to mentally prepare for the return to school.