Tune in to LinkedUp: Breaking Boundaries in Education to hear from Jerri Kemble and Jamie Saponaro as they seek global perspectives on educational topics that matter. With so many people to hear from and so many lessons to learn - they are gaining insights from education leaders worldwide. Powered by ClassLink, they are linking up the movers and shakers who make it happen!
Watch the episodes below and make sure to subscribe to the series on your preferred channel.
Productivity can be daunting and difficult with the many distractions available to people via technology. Lisa Johnson has found a way to make doing the work more productive and creative. In this podcast, Lisa Johnson aka Tech Chef4u, shares tips and ideas to make the daily work adults and students do full of choice, creativity, and fun.
What can educators do to become allies for our LGBTQ students? How does supporting LGBTQ students ultimately support all learners? These are some of the tough questions school districts are grappling with. In this podcast, Holden Kraus, a veteran educator and a proud LGBTQ leader, provides many ideas and resources to help educators on this journey.
After the remote learning experience of 2020 and 2021, and the beginning of students returning to “in person” learning, people are wondering what the “new normal” will look like for education. This podcast focuses on two educational leaders from the Education Research and Development Institute (ERDI), Jennifer Ferrari and Kimberly Markus, and their robust discussion focused on the state of the education industry.
In episode 54 of the LinkedUp podcast, Dr. Janet Gullickson, President of Germanna Community College, Locust Grove, VA, discusses the innovative disruptions that have happened in higher education. Germanna is not only talking the talk, they are walking the walk and ensuring students are at the center of all education. Dr. Gullickson is a pioneer in leading change and Germanna is making a positive change in the lives of their students.
When the internet emerged in the 1990's and educators were wondering how they might use technology in education, Kathy Schrock emerged on the scene. Kathy Schrock, a librarian, began curating websites and assisting teachers all over the world to effectively incorporate technology into the curriculum. Join us in this LinkedUp podcast to learn how Kathy has become a leader, an inspiration, and a pioneer in this field.